The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online College Programs

Online college programs are cropping up with more and more regularity as we progress further technologically. Not so long ago you had to search for schools and competent advisers to help you along the path to becoming what you've always dreamed of doing. You had to hope the college, university or technical schools available to help you are close enough and offer even a modicum of convenience to integrate into your busy life. Nine times out of ten, though, you had to rearrange your whole life, home and work schedule to take the classes and earn the degree or certificate you need to progress your life along. You may even have had to relocate yourself, home and maybe an entire family. The university online has changed all that.
When you first consider taking on an online college program as part of your life many problems automatically pop into your head. It's only normal. Trying something new, no matter how comfortable you may be, can always cause some unsettling feelings. You may not be at ease with a computer fully yet or may feel that you couldn't master the software and email programs. Perhaps your study habits are bad and you feel you will need a peer counselor or study group. Online college programs are designed to help with these basic problems. There are designed to deal with the programs that you feel are insurmountable. They run into these same problems and concerns with many new and returning students each year and have time tested and useful ways of dealing with them that are suited for your particular situation.

The best way to decide if there is an online degree program for you is to look around at what is available and compare the advantages and disadvantages to your situation. Prepare a list of online college programs that carry a curriculum that you're interested in. If you want a bachelors of science in criminal justice then search for an online college program that carries that degree and begin to inquire and the school itself and the way it works. Check out the school tour and contact an administrative adviser to answer your questions. Ask around to find out what other students feel about the college and read any testimonials they may provide. You can also do a Google search to find any raves or complaints about the school.
Online College Programs Advantages
Online degree courses have a lot of advantages. The most obvious being the chance to go to college while never leaving the comfort of your own home. You never have to get dressed, comb your hair or put on deodorant to attend an online class. You can eat and pick your nose during class and even paint your toe nails if you so desire.
College online also has a more lenient structure. They must take into consideration the many troubles the Internet can experience as well as weather problems and the havoc they can wreak on an online college program.
Another great advantage of an online college program is that you can attend class no matter where you are. If you have a family emergency in New Zealand you can still slip away and attend class. For that matter you can attend class on the beach in Hawaii, Disneyland or in the bath tub. It doesn't matter where in the world your life, family or job carries you it is always possible to attend class in an online college program.
Online College Programs Disadvantages
The biggest disadvantage to online college courses is the fact that you are almost completely self guided. You can have a wonderful professor, a completely amazing student advisor and your academic advisor could be a genius but when it comes down to it, your success is up to you. You don't have the advantage of one on one teaching, even if you can stay continuously connected to your professor via email or phone. Long distance learning leaves a large part of the learning up to the student. It is up to you to search out the help that you need to succeed in an online college program.
Choosing to earn an online degree definitely says that you are ready for a change and you realize that only you can make it happen. If you know that you have the ability to learn on your own and the stamina to keep on going through the difficult process an online college program is the next step in fulfilling your successful life goals.

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